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Subscribe to our newsletter to learn about employment opportunities at the Trust.
You can also check our Research Opportunities page if you are interested in working with us.
Our team brings together lawyers, activists, communications specialists and researchers. Together we use the law to defend the rights of LGBT people globally.
Our Board brings together a range of highly skilled lawyers, business people, former politicians and civil servants, to ensure our effective governance.
In 64 countries there are still laws criminalising LGBT people which fuel stigma, legitimise prejudice and encourage violence. The Human Dignity Trust exists to change this. Your donation will help us support activists around the world to bravely challenge these discriminatory laws. Together, we can bring forward the day when no one is criminalised because of who they are or who they love.
Join our newsletter to receive regular updates about decriminalisation efforts around the world, including breaking news on key legal cases, hot off the press reports, invitations to events and messages from our Chief Executive.