Note on the Ugandan Non-Governmental Organisations Bill, 2015

This note by the Human Dignity Trust outlines the Ugandan Non-Governmental Organisations Bill 2015 published in the Ugandan government gazette on 10 April 2015. If passed, the Bill is likely to severely restrict the activities of non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and in particular those who work in support of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights.

Prepared by the Human Dignity Trust in December 2015, this note reacts to the passing of the Non-Governmental Organisations Bill in the Ugandan Parliament in 2015. This note considers the extent to which the Bill is likely to impact on the work of NGOs campaigning for LGBT rights. In particular, it highlights the impact on organisations that provide HIV services to LGBT people.

This note focuses on the key concerns pertaining to this Bill and addresses how it will severely restrict the activities of NGOs. Each section highlights how the Bill is likely to:

  • Prevent the registration of NGOs that support LGBT rights or provide HIV and AIDS services to LGBT people;
  • Permit the intrusive monitoring of such NGOs;
  • Limit their ability to carry on with their work in support of LGBT rights or providing HIV and AIDS services to those who need them;
  • Allow their permits to be revoked;
  • Allow any person to apply for NGOs that support LGBT rights or provide HIV and AIDS services to LGBT people to be dissolved; and
  • In general, threatens to shrink the space within civil society for LGBT people to advocate for their rights, access health care and participate as productive members of society.

The note explains how LGBT NGOs may be targeted under the Bill and what the sanctions would be if there is failure to comply with the Bill’s conditions.

Download the briefing note