
Human Dignity Trust releases pivotal research demonstrating why criminalisation is irreoncilable with good governance

The Human Dignity Trust has produced a series of ground-breaking notes explaining how criminalisation interacts with various key areas of democratic values, good governance and well-being. These notes highlight how crucial decriminalisation is for states to prosper and uphold their core democratic principles. They demonstrate the variety of lenses through which criminalisation’s damaging effects can be […]

UN Special Rapporteur on Torture confirms that criminalising LGBT people leads to violence and impunity News

UN Special Rapporteur on Torture confirms that criminalising LGBT people leads to violence and impunity

In a ground-breaking report, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Juan Mendez, recognises that the criminalisation of homosexuality, and other discriminatory laws applying to LGBT people leads to violence and impunity. The UN Special Rapporteur’s function is to interpret the UN Convention Against Torture. This statement will provide a new tool for activists and lawyers […]

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