Case Summary of Ong Ming Johnson v Attorney-General (2020)
This case summary, prepared by the Supreme Court of Singapore, deals with the main arguments of the ruling in the case of Ong Ming Johnson v Attorney-General, which unsuccessfully challenged the criminalisation of same-sex activity in Singapore in March 2020.

Reform of Discriminatory Sexual Offences Laws in the Commonwealth and Other Jurisdictions – Case Study of The Republic Of Nauru
This case study explores how Nauru embarked in 2009 on a wholesale review of its Criminal Code, including its sexual offences provisions, with the aim of simplifying, modernising and strengthening criminal offences. This case study provides an in-depth analysis of how this legislative reform was successfully achieved.

Attorney General of Belize v. Caleb Orozco (2019)
Judgment from the Belizean Court of Appeal 2019, upholding the decision of the Supreme Court that the criminalisation of same-sex activity violates the Constitution of Belize.

Good Practice in Human Rights Compliant Sexual Offences Laws in the Commonwealth
This report lays out criteria for good practice for human rights compliant sexual offence laws in the Commonwealth.

Reform Of Discriminatory Sexual Offences Laws In The Commonwealth And Other Jurisdictions – Synopsis
This synopsis draws together the lessons learned from six case studies of countries that have undertaken the reform of discriminatory sexual offences laws.

Reform Of Discriminatory Sexual Offences Laws In The Commonwealth And Other Jurisdictions – Case Study Of The Republic Of Palau
This case study provides an in depth analysis of the significant leap forward taken by Palau in protecting the rights of its citizens, through the updating of its sexual offences laws and Criminal Code.