Tan Seng Kee v. Attorney General and others
Judgment from the Singapore Court of Appeal in a 2022 case, finding that the criminalisation of same-sex activity was not unconstitutional.

Establishing a Framework for the Implementation of Legislation to Address Anti-LGBT Hate Crime
This report analyses the interventions recommended to ensure that legislation to address anti-LGBT hate crime is properly implemented.

Attorney General of Botswana v. Motshidiemang & Ors. (2021)
Judgment from the Court of Appeal of Botswana upholding an earlier ruling from the High Court that found that the criminalisation ‘carnal knowledge against the order of nature’ was unconstitutional.

Defending Dignity: A decade championing the rights of LGBT people
Since 2011 the Human Dignity Trust has been a leading player in fighting for and securing the decriminalisation of LGBT people. This report celebrates our key achievements in the 10 years since the Trust was founded.

Comments on Article 154 of the Draft Criminal Code of Uzbekistan
This briefing note sets out the clear opportunity presented by the reform to Uzbekistan's criminal code to decriminalise same-sex conduct between men in Uzbekistan, in line with international human rights standards and Uzbekistan’s own Constitution.

Toolkit – how to use HDT’s award-winning impact documentaries for screening events
How to use the Human Dignity Trust’s award-winning impact documentaries, which highlight the archaic colonial era laws that continue to blight the lives of millions of people across the Commonwealth, for screening and Q&A events.