Consolidated Constitutional Petitions No. 14, 15, 16 & 85 of 2023 (Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023)
Judgment of the Uganda Constitutional Court decision upholding the Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023. Â

Javin Johnson v Attorney General of St Vincent and the Grenadines
Judgment of the High Court in St Vincent and the Grenadines, upholding the criminalisation of consensual, same-sex sexual activity.

From Rulings to Reality: Jamaica Must Repeal Homophobic Laws
Three years after landmark Americas decision urging repeal of homophobic laws, Jamaica has still failed to comply. A new report from the Human Dignity Trust says violence and discrimination against LGBT Jamaicans is ongoing and acute, calls for urgent reform of criminalising laws.

Jamal Jeffers et al v The Attorney General Of St. Christopher And Nevis Case Digest
This Case Digest summarises the 2022 High Court of Saint Kitts & Nevis' decision which struck down discriminatory, colonial-era, criminal laws that targeted LGBT people.

Orden David et al v The Attorney General of Antigua & Barbuda Case Digest
This Case Digest summarises the 2022 High Court of Antigua and Barbuda's decision which struck down discriminatory criminal laws that targeted LGBT people.

Ah Seek v The State of Mauritius Case Digest
This Case Digest summarises the 2023 Mauritian Supreme Court decision finding a law that criminalised same-sex intimacy between men is unconstitutional.