Akster and Another v Director of Public Prosecutions and Another
Judgment of the High Court of Malawi's decision upholding laws that criminalise same-sex intimacy.

Pride in Progress: A Roadmap to Ending LGBT Criminalisation – The Human Dignity Trust’s Strategic Plan 2024-2029
This publication clearly lays out the strategic objectives that will frame the Trust's work for the next five years, whilst also highlighting our successful track record since our inception in 2011, and the theory of change that underpins our work.

Dausab v The Minister of Justice
Judgment of the High Court of Namibia's decision striking down laws that criminalised same-sex intimacy.

B.G v The Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Dominica and others Case Digest
This Case Digest summarises the High Court of Dominica's decision striking down laws that criminalised same-sex intimacy.

B.G v The Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Dominica and others
Judgment of the High Court of Dominica's decision striking down laws that criminalised same-sex intimacy.

Javin Johnson v Attorney General of St Vincent and the Grenadines Case Digest
This Case Digest summarises the 2024 High Court in St Vincent and the Grenadines' decision which upheld the criminalisation of consensual, same-sex sexual activity.