McEwan et al v. Attorney General of Guyana (2018)
Ruling of the Caribbean Court of Justice that a law in Guyana, which makes it a criminal offence for a man or a woman to appear in a public place while dressed in clothing of the opposite sex for an “improper purpose”, is unconstitutional.

Navtej Singh Johar & Ors. v. Union of India, Thr. Secretary & Ministry of Law and Justice (2018)
Judgment of the Supreme Court of India which found that the criminalisation of same-sex activity is unconstitutional.

Puttaswamy v. Union of India (2017)
Judgment of the Supreme Court of India on the protection of the right to privacy under the Constitution of India. Crucially, the Court recognised that “sexual orientation is an essential attribute of privacy.” The Court was also explicitly critical of the approach previously adopted by the Court in Suresh Koushal v. Naz Foundation (2013), which had in effect re-criminalised private, consensual same-sex sexual activity.

Jason Jones v. Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago (2018)
Judgment of Trinidad and Tobago’s High Court, in the case of Jones v. Attorney General, finding in favour of the claimant that the sections of the Sexual Offences Act which prohibited “buggery” and “serious indecency” between two men and criminalised consensual same-sex activity between adults, are unconstitutional.

COI & GMN v. Principal Magistrate Ukunda Law Courts & 4 others (2018)
Judgment of the Kenyan Court of Appeal, finding that the use of forced medical examinations to 'prove' same-sex sexual conduct is unconstitutional.

Caleb Orozco v. Attorney General of Belize (2016)
Judgment of the Supreme Court of Belize finding that the criminalisation of consensual same-sex sexual conduct violates the constitutional rights to dignity, privacy, equality before the law, and non-discrimination on the grounds of sex.